Blue Light Blocking Glasses

People who spend extended time at a computer for work or entertainment often experience eye strain and other uncomfortable symptoms. While these devices are crucial for navigating the modern world, blue light from their screens can impact our eye and vision health. Fortunately, Lidya’s Optical in Attleboro, MA, offers blue light-blocking glasses to help you see clearly and comfortably when using digital screens. Learn more about these lenses and how they can help you below.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

What Is Blue Light?

Blue light is a form of visible light with a shorter wavelength and higher energy than colors like red or green. We typically encounter blue light through sunlight, but devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets incorporate blue light in their artificial light source. While natural blue light is essential for regulating our sleep-wake cycle, excessive artificial blue light can lead to difficulty falling or staying asleep. Additionally, blue light from digital devices can lead to conditions like computer vision syndrome and dry eyes.

How Blue Light-Blocking Glasses Can Help

Blue light-blocking glasses have special lenses designed to filter out some of the blue light emitted from digital devices. Doing this can provide the following benefits:

•             Reduced eye strain and fatigue: Filtering blue light helps ease symptoms of digital eye strain, such as dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches.

•             Improved sleep: Blocking blue light in the evening may help regulate your sleep cycle and promote better sleep quality.

•             Increased focus: Some people experience improved concentration and focus while wearing blue light-blocking glasses, particularly during extended screen time.

Are Blue Light-Blocking Glasses Right for You?

People who experience eye strain, headaches, or difficulty sleeping after using digital devices for extended periods may benefit from blue light-blocking glasses. These lenses offer a non-invasive and relatively inexpensive option for preventing conditions like computer vision syndrome and dry eye. However, choose a reputable brand and eyeglass store when buying blue light-blocking lenses. Not all blue light-blocking glasses are created equal. Consult your eye doctor to determine if these lenses are the best decision for your visual needs and comfort.

Protect Your Eyes With Blue Light-Blocking Glasses From Lidya’s Optical

If you are experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain and are searching for “glasses near you” to improve your visual clarity and comfort, consider contacting Lidya’s Optical in Attleboro, MA. Our optician can help you select the best lenses for your needs and lifestyle, so call us and schedule an appointment today at (508) 290-0050.


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9:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:00 pm